Midwest Organizing Logo


I guess you could say Midwest Organizing is my dream job! 

I say that because I experience absolute joy helping people create a space that works for them.  I love seeing how it changes their perspective on their space once it is transformed.  An organized and functional space has purpose and beauty.  More importantly it creates focus on the purpose and once organized, becomes easy to maintain.

I have worked in events, display design and administration for many years and I am always drawn to the organizing side of every business.  I have been certified in Re-design, specializing in using what you already have to optimize the design of your space and to save you money. 

Our Story

I have helped people develop what I call “Life Systems.”  When we are in a space for a long time, it becomes hard to reimagine.  The space itself can become frustrating because it doesn’t function properly.  When we create life systems in home or business, it gives new purpose/function that works.

For example, one of the most challenging areas of a home starts right in the doorway.  The nearest flat service becomes a catch-all, shoes and backpacks or papers go missing and that area becomes a little chaotic.  Even in a small area, life systems can be created to determine where things go.  Something as simple as a key rack, so keys don’t end up in pockets, purses, or surfaces.  On a larger scale, in small business environment, a professional and organized space improves productivity and helps improve your mindset when you enter that space.

Overall, I love organizing and helping people. Please call if I can help with your space!